Living Life Now

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Tomorrow is Sunday !!

Tomorrow is Sunday, and last Sunday in church can I put it... absolute and utter, spirit-filled fabulousness !!!! Can tomorrow be the same ???
Last week, worship kicked off as normal, we all stood, started to sing and began to open ourselves up to God. I have to admit, it took me a while to get going, mainly because of screaming children right in front of me, but hey, theyre kids, that's what they do and they soon managed to escape (literally) with their mother in tow.
As the whole church got into the worship, we could all feel something a little special happening. The Holy Spirit was there.
Now worship usually only lasts 45mins to 1 hour, but when we reached the 11 o'clock mark, we just kept on going...and going...and going !!!! The leaders had no intention what-so-ever in stopping what was a fantastic time of worship.
The Spirit was there, and it was there with force !! It was all going on: So many prophetic words, both for the church as a whole and for individuals; the leaders came amongst everyone praying for individuals and giving them Words; prophetic tongues were spoke; and even down the front a line of about 4 women were on the floor praying for each other.
It was just awesome !!!
The band were fabulous as well, they just kept on playing, fuelling the worship continually.
I personally didn't really get much in the way of prothetic words etc, but that didn't bother me at all; It was just SSSSOOOOOOOOO amazing to just pray, worship and stand in the presence of God.
We must have finished worship at about 11:45, then we broke for much needed refreshments. When we came back together it was almost midday, well the leader decided it was far too late for the sermon he had actually prepared. So what did we do for the last 10 mins or so ? That's right, worshipped some more !! Amazing !!
So, what about tomorrow ? Well I shouldn't think it will be the same as last week, which is absolutely fine, because no matter how long worship goes on for, and no matter what the sermon is like, if we pray with all our hearts for the Almighty to be there, then He will be.
Can't wait.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Hey Ho, Let's Go !!!

Well I haven't blogged for about a month, for which Baxter's Boy has mocked me over lol !!! But there has been a very good reason for this... I just haven't had the inspiration to say anything. I wish I could be like Dan, who has so much knowledge and so much to say, that he has been known to blog 3 times a day ! I actually really do admire him.
But without inspiration to say anything of worth, I simply haven't blogged, if something's not worth saying, then don't say (unfortunately this is often true of Christians lol).

Now that's the negative bit out the way, a few things I've been up to since I last blogged.
First as always is University. I believe my last blog sighted if my peers and I would work any harder...well we have no choice lol ! The work load for a teacher training course is fairly heavy, but that's ok, because I honestly am enjoying it.

Secondly (along with Baxter's Boy) I have started going to a new church. This may not seem like a big deal, but bare in mind that I only became a Christian last July and I grew up in an atheist family. So for me to start going regularly to church is a milestone. And it is just sucha great church: one that is so welcoming, non pushy, open to the Holy Spirit, with so many young people like ourselves there. It's so easy to fit in.
I may only have been to a couple of Sunday morning meetings, and a cell group, but I know I'm going to love this church.

Other things keeping me occupied have included...
Having a photoshoot at a photography studio, that was a lot of fun, can't wait for the prints to arrive, I may even publish a select few on my blog !
Also went back to Birmingham for the first time since Christmas, saw my wonderful parents (and even managed to fit in a bit clubbing lol, much fun) !!
And finally I've just been doing my part time job in a pub, serving my local drunks lol ! O well, it pays the bills.

Well that's me, and what I've been doing for the last month or so, hopefully my literary slump will cease, and I can blog fully ! Scarily though, i do have a few ideas for forth coming blogs lol !!!
Beware lol !
I daresay there will be a lot about church, for which I really cannot wait, especially if they continue to be so Spirit-filled.