Living Life Now

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Florida Revival... Can It Be Dismissed ?!

Dan's very good at twisting my arm, mainly with flattery; he thought that me blogging about my views on the Florida Revival would be really interesting and something that people would want to read about... well let's see if he's right...

Since the Outpouring began, I've been watching, very excitedly to see what God has been doing with His people there in Florida. Seeing Todd Bentley minister to so many sick and ill people, through the awesome anointing that God has clearly laid on him, just makes it so obvious that this is a move of God and it cannot be ignored or brushed aside.

The revival has however come under certain scrutiny or even out-right attack... mainly from Christians!

The element which has incurred the most attack is Todd Bentley himself. For various different reasons, some people have just decided that they don't like him. Could this be as simple as his appearance? Yes, he has tattoos all over his body, he wears Harley Davidson shirts and yes he has piercings in varios places on his head, but is Todd Bentley demonic? That's what some people have gone as far as to say.

Todd says he has an angel which speaks to him, her name is Emma. Of course these haters, have picked up on some random fact that a pagan god goes by the same name, which obviously must mean that Todd Bentley is being controlled in a demonic way. Are these people serious? It's just a name! How can a name possibly be demonic?

There have been various other criticisms surrounding this revival, but you cannot deny that sick people are being healed in Florida. Switch onto God TV and you will see it happening. The most blatant cases are when the paralyzed get up out of their wheelchairs and start walking. Think what you will about Todd Bentley, but this should not be swept aside, because these are miracles and this is revival... this quite simply is God. I'm always amazed when christians willfully refuse to believe what their mighty God has done and is doing.

"People may argue with your doctrine, but they can never argue withyour testimony"
Colin Chapman, Understanding Islam Training Track, Together on a Mission 2007

It's not just what we see with our eyes, but what we hear...there are now thousands of testimonies about what God has done and what He is still doing. Colin Chapman is right, you can never argue with people's testimonies.

I am just so excited that revival is here. And if this has sounded like a rant then hopefully it shows how excited I am. So, can this revival be!! This. Is. God.