Together On A Mission 2007... Main Session 3

He preached from Joshua 1:1 - 9. The theme was a new era after a significant death, i.e. Joshua after Moses; the point of which Terry refers to in the welcome mesaage of the conference handbook.
Terry goes on...
Joshua is told that it requires fresh faith, and he is told to start by doing a miracle.
To serve God is to have faith. It's no good training people just on information, but in faith. Without faith, you cannot please him.
Joshua may have been the leader, but it is all about the people - God's people.
God's assessment of the opposition: People will try and stop you; the fact that the Word says there there will be no opposition, implies that there will be barriers. Nothing can stop the onward march, especially when He says there is a new era.
They might come strentgh etc, but we must come in the name and strength of God.
God is ready to do things we could never have imagined.
This message was classic Terry !!! Yey !!!
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